Alumni Profile: Aaron Jessee

Alumni Profile: Aaron Jessee

Where are you from?

I was born in Okinawa, Japan, and raised as a typical Third Culture Kid, moving every few years from Germany to Washington DC, from Cameroon to Korea, and finally Beijing. My next stop next week will be Boston, USA.

When did you attend WAB? When did you graduate?

I arrived at WAB in 2007, and graduated in 2010.

Where are you now? What are you studying/working on?

After graduating from WAB in 2010 went to Endicott College in Beverly, MA, USA where I completed my studies in Sports Management. I later joined Hordon Health, a lifestyle management company focused on personal performance training, where I completed an additional certification very quickly. I later decided to take some time off (8 months) to return to WAB and work with WABx office as performance coach, and to build a network of clients.

I am now returning to Boston to work with Hordon Health subsidiary "Boston Institute of Jump", an elite player development and consulting company that supports individuals or organizations in the sports of basketball and volleyball.

How did WAB influence your career choice?

While I was at WAB, I spent a lot time with the WABx team and got really interested in sports. I had always enjoyed sports, but WAB gave me the opportunity to try different things, and challenged me to try harder and get better. I was a member of the Junior Varsity Soccer, Varsity Volleyball and Varsity Basketball teams. This really helped me when I moved to College, because I was able to quickly integrate with other athletes and make friends.

What are your best memories of WAB?

The China Studies Trips helped me build friendships and relationships, especially in the beginning. Traveling with the sports teams was always fun, because aside from spending time with friends, we also got to know people from other schools and became friends, despite the rivalry in sports.

I also have great memories from graduation. Between the photo on the Great Wall and the ceremony at the Confucius Temple, WAB's graduation is hard to beat!

What is your advice for current seniors?

Do what you want, but don't spread yourself too thin. Prioritize carefully between your after-school activities and your academics.

Don't limit yourself. Take advantage of the opportunities that WAB offers to gain all the experiences that you can, try different things to develop skills all around.