

Every year, on March 20, half a billion French-speaking people around the world celebrate International Day of Francophonie.On this date, francophone people throughout the 5 continents honor their common language as well as their diversity. Here at WAB, Francophonie Day was celebrated on March 28, with a variety of fun and engaging activities for all French language students.

Throughout the week, students enjoyed traditional drinks and pastries, and mouthwatering chocolate treats. They also exchanged messages with other members of the French-speaking community. Parents, staff and sponsors contributed in creating a truly festive atmosphere, which included traditional games like Charades, Le President, Le Bac and Pétanque, as well as a chocolate tasting station. The traditional lunch included authentic French dishes, like peoples' favorite "Gratin Dauphinois", quiches, couscous, pièce montée, and other delicious treats. The day concluded with a quiz about Francophone countries' history and culture, as well as an opportunity for students to vote for their favorite French-language videos and songs.

"Francophone Day was a very enjoyable and inspiring event filled with excitement. It fully allowed us to feel that there are large amounts of francophone countries around the world, and that the francophone spirit is everywhere. We hope to have as much fun next year!"
"J'adore déguster le chocolat! J'aime les crêpes avec du sucre. C'est délicleux!!! Les jeux sont amusants! Merci a tous les assistants. Merci pour le Francophone! C'est genial! Tout était vraiment amusant!"
  • Lianxi