Schedules and Timetables Committee Reimagines the School Day

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The Schedules and Timetables Committee has met several times, articulating a shared vision of several FLoW21 targets. The group has worked together along the way as they develop a collective understanding of how these targets impact thinking related to Schedules and Timetables. The following targets are signposts for their research:

  • Target 12 – Individualized Schedules and Timetables: Much in the same way as at university, students will have some fixed time activities they must attend such as labs or group activities, but other study periods can be scheduled based on the needs of the student at that time. This can be done in collaboration with staff, and will lead to each student having a timetable, but each student will have their own.
  • Target 13 – Individual Instruction and Teaching: Students need instruction when they are ready for it. Delivering instruction before or after they are ready produces significantly reduces learning. Individualized instruction means that students move on when they are ready, this might mean they can move quicker or more slowly than their peers.
  • Target 14 – Vertically and Horizontally Flexible and Variable Learning Groups: Learners may not be at a similar level to their age groups and can benefit from mixing with those older and younger than them. Mixed abilities working together also benefits all students as both teaching and learning from peers helps cement understanding. Learners benefit from greater flexibility in how teachers group them and how they group themselves.

As the group works toward a more complete understanding of these target, they have used a number of provocations to stimulate thinking and have enjoyed (re)imagining the school day for students, teachers and the wider WAB community.

Of particular interest has been the work of the "Most Likely to Succeed" campaign, which offers a range of resources and articles on the issues associated with Schedules and Timetables in a contemporary education context. Feel free to explore the website to see more on the issues confronting likeminded educators across the globe.

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